Friday, March 9, 2012


Has anyone walked with you?  Have you walked with someone?  I don't mean an ordinary stroll in the sunshine here...I mean really WALKED through something with someone.  I'd like to think I have.  I have listened to a close friend, given them a hug, told them I would pray.  But, I have to say I have never reached out and given them Jesus all the way through the pit they were in.  To walk with someone takes courage and strength, but most of all, it takes a willingness to give yourself up for a season.  In a way, being a mother is good practice for this.

This post is a simple encouragement.  If God sets someone in front of you, walk with them.  Don't question it.  Step in, pray diligently, and love them so much they question your motive.  So many times, I have regretted not completely reaching out to someone who crosses my path...and needs Jesus.  Maybe they need Him in their situation, or maybe they just need Him period.

I am praying for a lady I can walk through the fire with.  My faith is the strongest when it is tested.  Wow, you say, what a strange prayer!!  We can be lights in this world where darkness prevails!  I see all around me women who are in need of that one who will lay things aside and be there.  The support of a husband is not to be overshadowed here; I am simply reminding you that there are ones who are close to you that are in your life for a reason.  This has been like a fog lifting beside the creek bed for me.  I can see it very clearly now.

Let's walk together for Christ to show the world that we care, and give them Jesus.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."
Isaiah 43:1-3

Happy Music Friday!

Song:  Give them Jesus (Awesome!)
Artist:  Jaci Velasquez