Wednesday, April 18, 2012

They Wanted a King

Hannah had a child when she was old.  The child was a gift from God, specifically prayed for by Hannah.  The child was named Samuel.  Samuel was the Lord's servant from the time he was weened from his mother.  As he grew, he became the judge over the nation of Israel.  During his time as judge, the Ark of the Covenant (presence of God) was passed from enemy to enemy.  They thought they wanted gave them trouble though...

Those Philistines who stole the Ark did not realize its power, that is, until many died because of their disrespect.  At the end of Samuel's reign, the Israelite's demanded a king "like all the other nations had." Samuel inquired of God about this and, after stearn warning about the responsibilities in a kingdom, the people still insisted.

Reading 1 Samuel in the Old Testament has really stirred me.  First, without demeaning our grand national freedom, I have to look at this and say that the people were better off when there was NOT separation of church and state.  Their judge (Samuel) was their spiritual leader.  Surely this is something we should think about, not just with our nation, but in our schools and homes.  Maybe politics and religion are supposed to go hand in hand in some ways.

The second point God opened my eyes to concerns things I am wrestling with in my own life right now.  Maybe you are too.  They wanted a king because they thought it would be better for them.  God spoke through Samuel about the tragedies of a king and a kingdom, but they did not listen.  God gave them over to their desire.  God is pressing on my heart about the directions I am going...will I follow him or yield to what I think is best for me?  Just something to ponder...