Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What are we doing HERE?

Unity is something that in our culture today is either severely neglected or adamantly intended.  Either you are in a "group" depending on a cause or you are not.  After the recent conference I attended, I was very moved by the amount of denominations that attended.  Now I know being "moved" is not very supportive, but it got me really wondering how all of us could come together so peacefully...

The reason it worked:  Jesus was the CENTER.  Throughout our different churches, the one common thing is the one that matters most-Jesus and our purpose to serve Him.  As I have been studying in the books of 1 Samuel and Galatians, the Holy Spirit has helped me learn about the Centrality of God.  This takes away all the small, insignificant tendencies we have to argue and disagree over the strangest issues.  I am not speaking of doctrinal differences here, but we made it work thousands strong at the Orange Conference!

So, how can this change your standing as a family?  Draw near to the Lord today and ask Him to use Scripture to point you toward being a true servant.  Most of the bustle of this life that we allow as parents and spouses is just not important in eternity.  I am not saying to give up on housework, sporting events, etc., just to truly make Christ the CENTER of our families.  You must start with your own heart before you can let it seep into your family tree.  Ask yourself, "What is my purpose on this earth?"  "What am I to teach my children?"  "Do I have the desire to reach out to others?"  These are a few questions to help you shed light on your own place with the Lord if there is any question.

I am urging you as Moms and Women of the Faith today, let us be unified in ONE cause--to go make disciples.  We can reach out in love to practice what we preach.  We can be women who proclaim that God is who is says He is!

Starting point:  Always before we read, we should ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts to what He wants to reveal to us.  Read the Book of Galatians.  See what Paul is saying to the Church at Galatia about being legalistic instead of remembering that Faith is what saves.  Let us pick a memory verse from that and post it on a wall in our homes for our families to talk about.  And then, we should contact someone in our church who can equip us to begin serving our purpose with the gifts God has given us.  If you don't have a church, visit one.  Let's reveal our Faith to others and do this together for Christ to see what He can do!

He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Galatians 3:14