Friday, January 13, 2012

1.LOVE (Music)

Love from God is true love...if you have not tasted that love from God, you have not tasted true love.  Once you realize you are loved by the Creator, the King of Glory, you will never be the same!

The word love is used all the time.  We love Cheerios; we love our cats; we love the sunshine; we love each other; we love our soap for goodness sake!  The casual way we love is totally different from the biblical view of the amount that God loves us.  Now, there are Greek meanings of multiple uses of the word love in the Bible, but I really want to focus on the one that is used when God is telling us how He feels about us.  In Greek, it is agape, which is the deepest form of unconditional love.  This is deeper than we feel for our friends, our family, even our own children.  It is almost something we cannot get our minds around.  Thankfully, we have the help of our Heavenly Father to show us a glimpse of this.  He came to earth to build a bridge for us to come into His presence.  This is why Jesus is the most important relationship we can have!  We need a bridge to be in the Father's presence, so He sent LOVE straight down to earth to show us the way!  Oh, I am so thankful.  Have you ever thought of the meaning of love?  I offer to you the book of Matthew in the New Testament scripture.  It is full of the teachings of Jesus when He came to earth, fully God, fully man.  He speaks in words we can understand to show us how to live, then He heightens the story by willingly giving Himself to the cross to pay the ultimate price for love--death!  He gave it all...Soak that in.

Do something with me; for the next few days, every time you say the word love, recall Christ and His true love for you.  When you tell your husband you love him, think about His Love for you.  When you tell your kids you love them, think about what He did to show His love for you.  When you tell your mom you love her, think about how your Heavenly Father loves you.  Have a LOVEly weekend friend!

On Fridays, I am going to post the lyrics to a song and sometimes give you a link that you can click on to hear it.  My family enjoys music to its fullest, even our daughter, and I want to share that with you.

My little girl sings almost all the time!  She knows words like you wouldn't believe:)  Although in some arenas, music has taken a downward turn, there are some really great lyrics out there to encourage a relationship with a living God!  We enjoy our local Christian radio stations for sure.  I am evidence that in addition to reading scripture, the Lord speaks through music to help you see what He wants you to see.  For me, music speaks.  I look forward to sharing some of my favorites with you!

Artist:  Red

Song: Not Alone

Chorus lyrics: 
I am with you 
I will carry you through it all
I won't leave you
I will catch you
When you feel like letting go
'Cause you're not
You're not alone

And I will be your hope
When you feel like it's over
And I will pick you up
When your whole world shatters
When you're finally in my arms
You'll look up and see, love has a face