Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Dear one,

Have you ever thought of yourself as a model?  You are, no doubt.  Moms, wives, sisters, teachers, coworkers, and friends are role models everyday.  There are always others seeing how you react, watching how you live your life, whether you realize it or not.

As we start toward the crosswalk outside my daughter's preschool, I hear, "Mommy, we have to be careful. I hear cars going."  In this moment, a light bulb went off for me.  The Lord was gently reminding me that she is always watching, listening to me.  See, I've mentioned the parking lot and safety to her quickly before, but I've also mindlessly held her hand, looked both ways and gone through the parking lot without saying a word.  She is a sponge and, as a mother, I have to realize this.

Lately, it seems that the question of character has been on my heart.  I have been reminded myself of what kind of character traits I am supposed to exhibit.  Astounding as it is, I have been asked on multiple occasions in the past month or so, "how do you know you're in a relationship with Christ; how do you know it's real?"  My saved soul wants to answer with a shout for joy exclaiming, "Because I have unexplainable peace in my heart!"  But, that really doesn't answer their question.  It is not something they can feel and touch.  Don't get me wrong, faith is made of some things we cannot feel or touch...that's truth from God's Word.  In order for others who don't know Him to see Him, the Holy Spirit has to be involved in building our character.  That is how they see.

Here is what Paul says to the church in Galatia about a follower's traits:

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Against such things, there is no law."  Galatians 5:22

My sisters in Christ, this is what He wants our lives to look like!  Let's use the next few posts and learn a little about each of these characteristics.  Our lives are to look like we have Jesus.  This "SHINE" will be apparent to others...and that will lead them to ask you what's up.  This is the Lord handing you people to share the gospel with!  Not to mention, your life is so fulfilling!  Stay tuned for the breakdown of the fruits of the Spirit...