Friday, January 20, 2012

4. Forbearance

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."  Galatians 5:22

Tracking along, we are to the fruit of FORBEARANCE.  This is the New King James translation.  Other translations of scripture use the word patience.  We know all about that one, don't we?!  I like the literal definition of the word forbearance though.  It means  to "hold back."  Most of the time, you hear people say that they wish they had more patience, right?  I know I've said it!

My little girl enjoys her treat after dinner some nights.  There she sits, belly full (except for the room she kept:), strapped into her booster seat, rolling her sippy cup back and forth, waiting on me to get her frozen yogurt scooped out...patiently or not so patiently.  As I add blueberries, she starts repeating over and over that she wants her treat.  Then there is a little whine to go with that... although only a few minutes have passed, it is a lifetime for her.  I look over and give her the "Mommy is working as fast as possible stare," thinking that little girl has got to learn some patience!  Then, a gentle reminder from deep down, oh, I am supposed to be patient with her.  That's how she learns, from me!  Oh, the irony of being a parent:)  Moms, let little moments be teaching moments.  He is sometimes speaking in His still small voice.  Listen for it...

Happy Musical Friday!  Enjoy!

Song: Do Everything
Artist:  Steven Curtis Chapman