Tuesday, January 24, 2012

...5. Kindness, 6. Goodness...

Would you say you're kind to your family?  Are you good to your dog? On a sunny day, when all is well, do you find it easier to smile at others as you pass them by?  Most of us would answer, "Of course!" to all these questions.  These are great examples of a "wearable" type of kindness and goodness.  Reading this scripture passage in Galatians, Paul is referring to something different.  Think on it for a second...even those who don't know Jesus as their personal Savior exhibit these types of generosity.

There is a perfect example out there, a perfect role model...his name is Jesus!  His kindness is not necessarily the same as what the world recognizes today, or even when He walked this earth. It is of a different source, from God Almighty!  He was kind to the forgotten, the outcasts, the heavy-burdened, even prostitutes.  He was good to those who the world threw away.  Why?  One reason sticks out to me; those people knew they needed a Savior!  There was a void in some area, a purpose missing, a self-worth questioned, a sickness that needing healing.  Dear one, you know if you have ever reached that point in which you hear the Lord calling you so loud that you cannot say no.  I've been in certain situations, at the end of the day, I have simply been empty.  Completely empty in my heart, mind, and spirit.  There is a beautiful answer to that emptiness that will provide a rich goodness from the inside out.  At the heart of a follower of Christ ought to be a flowering desire to be good when it's not popular and kind when everyone else shows anger and judgement.  Notice my use of desire.  The Holy Spirit sparks desire.  This is not something we can come up with on our own.  The Scripture is very clear on this.  In my walk, I have noticed a gradual change of the way I react to certain things.  I have always been a rule-follower, even before I recognized my need for a Savior.  But, if something did not work out as planned, I lost it!  He is using life circumstances and the Holy Spirit to give me a different perspective.  Loving Jesus causes change; you can count on that!  In fact, you should count on that!  So, think about these concepts through the Lord's eyes:  kindness and goodness. 

I challenge you to use a day to ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to be kind and good, God's way.  The best place to start is by reading His Word.  Start in Matthew Chapter 5.  The parables Jesus uses to teach really make it easy to relate.