Monday, January 2, 2012


The addition of quiet time in my life is making a big difference. I have justified over and over that reading scripture here and there was enough, but that is just not true. From a Bible dictionary I have, I looked up the word quiet. It says that quietness is an instruction to the Christian's life. What really made me think was a verse from 2 Peter which simply says women are to have a quiet spirit. Wow. After talking with a dear friend last night, I became convicted. Are we living quiet lifestyles as mothers who are building the character of our children? Quietness applies to reading God's Holy Word too. Something that has been helping me study: quiet surroundings (no technology:), quiet prayers, and quiet reading. Only able to keep my 2 year old occupied for a half hour or so, these three "quiets" have been important to understanding what I am reading. This is when the Holy Spirit enters in...during the quiet. When was the last time you sat quietly in the Word?