Monday, February 27, 2012

"Sticks and Curves"

My little girl is 2...2 going on 5!  I am sure most parents feel that way.  It just seems like these children pick up on things so quickly.  There is no way that I was that quick when I was 2, was I mom?  Well, even if I was...hahaha

I needed something to use in teaching Olivia her alphabet at home.  Yes, she has been singing them out for a long time now, but we have just begun the process of writing.  This starts with how to hold a crayon.  You know, from clench-fisted to gently holding.  This is very difficult for a child to learn.  So we are working on that...but, I have developed what I like to call the "sticks and curves" method to letters.  It is nothing fancy at all, but I wanted to share for some of you that may want a little head-start with writing at home.

All letters are made up of "sticks" and/or "curves".  Using a sheet of construction paper for each letter, I am planning to keep these in a notebook for review as we progress.  I give her a crayon and tell her that capital A has three sticks.  I then draw them.  I ask her to try.  It's cute as can be to see her try!  Then, I write three words with different A sounds in them.  I ask her to point out the A's in the words and repeat them after me.  This is where I incorporate some Bible using words that can be found in Scripture.  Then, I have something to link them to as we talk.  For instance, I used Adam, Gate, and Heaven for her three words.  Based on attention spans and time you have, you can elaborate as much as you like during this part.  This would be a great introduction to your daily Bible study-starting with a letter a day!  

After we have chatted about A, I ask her to draw the three "sticks" again.  For now, we are not going too deep with lowercase letters.  She is 2, remember.  If you have an older child, you may consider it.  This idea of mine is made for the really young ones who are just starting to stay in the lines when they color.  Keep in mind, it is always great to work with your children, even if they are taught somewhere else during the day hours.  We have to make a family learning foundation start somewhere...I hope you find this a useful technique!

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6