Thursday, February 9, 2012


"Hey Laura, I was wondering when you want to get together?"  says a friend.  "I am so sorry I have not called in a while," I say.  Time for fellowship.  I was slipping in reading in Colossians.  When I am at home, it's easy.  On the days I work, do I keep it a priority?  Time with the Lord.  I am already running a couple minutes behind and I want to clock in on time.  I rush passed a man named Jesse, who stands on the corner where I go into the building at work.  He is  nice and only wants a hello and a smile.  Time for the "least of these."  I am making dinner and getting everything done before Daddy walks in from work.  Olivia says, "Mommy, can you read this book?"  Time with my family.

Our pastor just finished a series on end times topics.  Of course this brought people out of the woodwork in our community.  The seats were packed! It is no surprise that the human race is so concerned about the end of the world. The only problem is we won't accept that all of the answers we need have already been given to us in God's Word.  Scripture points us to priorities of our time.  In reading about Jesus, we can see that He took the most of His time to tell others of His purpose.  Not just by His words, but by His actions.  

Moms are always wanting more time.  So are Dads for that matter! The thing we have to remember is that we are given the time we is plenty.  We just have to learn how to use it wisely.  At my house, Olivia usually does plenty of playing alone when Daddy is at work. Some of this is good for her creativity, but not hours on end.  Lately, when we are home, I have purposely let chores go to sit down with her.  What a blessing this has been!  The Lord wants us to "redeem the time" we are given and glorify Him!  A great way to do this is to prioritize. What is really most important?  I will say it drove me nuts to let things sit undone...but if this was our last day together for a while, I would rather the kitchen be a mess.  Thankfully, she is getting to be the age where she wants to help.  Although the "help" is questionable, I include her in some of my chores.  She can help transfer clothes from the washer to the dryer.  I want to encourage help in the kitchen, so when I cook, I incorporate her somehow.  Sometimes she mixes dry ingredients and sometimes I even give her some oats in a bowl and let her stir in water.  Anything to keep her at the counter.  All this to say, let things go sometimes.  Seek God on your schedule.  Gaps may start to open where you least expect it.  You cannot be everything to everyone.  Spend time with your family even if there are dishes in the sink or a pile of clothes that need to be folded.  You won't regret it!

"But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you."  Matthew 6:33