Monday, April 30, 2012


Hi Readers!  I have been refreshed with a wonderful experience at the Orange Conference.  I did not know what to expect, but it was all about getting the hearts of the home and uniting them with the church to create the hands and feet of Christ!  I learned about Storytelling with Bible, a process called Sticky Faith, heard some awesome testimony, and got on a personal level with those that I serve with at my home church as we traveled together.  I am telling you all of this to encourage you to take part in learning how to teach better---at your church and with your children at home.  Whatever opportunity you have, take advantage of it!  I am excited to begin writing again for the blog, so please stick with me as I explore the important bonds in the family unit.  Fun to come!

Start reading 1 Samuel if you can.  It is Truth-revealing about God taking care of His people.