Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I would consider myself a person who is very genuine.  I take compliments on this.  God placed something on my heart about myself though.  Although transparency is important to me, am I receptive to helpful recommendations?  Am I open when someone points out something that I need to think differently about?  Honestly, I am not very.  I like to think so, but no.  It has always been said that stubbornness runs in my family, but I really don't want to use that as an excuse!:)  I am urged to write about this just to be candid with you.  Maybe this thought will shed light on your own experiences and help you look into what in your soul keeps you at a distance with God.  For me, pride and stubbornness are unfortunate traits.  With my eyes now opened to this, I have been able to begin the praying process to let God "soul-search" me.  You know what He is showing me?  First of all, when studying His Word, I am deeply convicted.  Secondly, as soon as a phrase of will-power slips off my tongue, I am internally rebuked.  It's a heart saying "oops!".  I challenge you today to be receptive.  Listen to what God is telling you.  Don't be too strong-willed for His love to enter in.  Last of all, be receptive to those around you.  This is not to encourage passivity...just don't get so defensive if you have a weak point and someone points it out.  Even if they are not tactful in the way they shed light on your little issue, use it to bring God glory--I like to think He smiles when we ask Him to change us from the inside out!