Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Before You Kiss...

Have you ever read the Old Testament Book Song of Solomon?  Need to.  I must say some of it made me giggle like a little girl, but after reading it in a different light, I wasn't laughing anymore.  Get past our quirky human nature, and ask God to help you take it seriously.  It is really beautiful!  In all of its descriptive detail, the book in its entirety reminded me of one thing--God invented this thing we call sensuality!

Most of us ladies would agree that a wonderful presentation of the romantic Romeo and Juliet with our hubbies would be a nice night out, right?  Or maybe you like the Symphony?  The circus?  Tehe:)  God made us that way.  We are wired to enjoy things of that nature.  So as our counterparts have been wired differently.

I would like to explore some things that bring the romance back into our marriages!  I think it is critical that we set some ground rules here though.  First, you should both be growing in your walk with the Lord-separately.  Yes, we all have seasons that our hearts are heavy, but getting to know your Savior should be a top priority.  Let yourselves encourage one another in this.  Second, we need to enjoy these next few posts only in the context of a marriage relationship.  Outside of marriage, these things do not have the beauty God intended.  Third, we should have fun and embrace the desires we have for our spouses!

In the next few posts, I will attempt to share with you some things that God has brought to our attention in the arena of romance as a married couple and even sneak in an interview with my husband on these matters!  Relax and don't worry, I won't share anything too intimate!