Friday, June 22, 2012

When They Come

"They" meaning those moments of decisions, moments of craziness, moments of wandering, moments of sheer EXHAUSTION.  Notice the "when" not "if."  Yes, we all realize that difficult times happen because we have all been through them to some degree.  Where most of us jump off the train is finding our calm in the middle of the storm.

Friends, there is Peace in Uncertainty.

I must say that this time in the life of my family has been the most trying season I have ever been through.  Ever.  This is the first time that many of my days end with utter mental exhaustion.  But, my God is near.  And wonderfully so!  This is not something I come to know with "brain" knowledge.  The evidence is crystal clear.  The events and circumstances surrounding me are just not doable through human determination.  No way, no how.  How is it then that I can sit back and relax peacefully in the middle of a traffic jam, after a 14 hour work day, longing for family moments that I miss being away from my home, thinking of the possibilities of growing our family, knowing where God is telling me to serve but the hours are not available, potentially picking up and moving back to our hometown, putting my family first ahead of my career, seeing the road of home education ahead, keeping my mother in constant prayer (and my dad) with her diagnosis but not being able to physically be there, AND starting a business of my own??  How is peace possible at times like this?

I say all the above not to make you feel as though you are attending a pity party but to bring home the reality that our lives are FULL.  Yours is.  Mine is.  At times, we cannot do it alone.  It is not purely for a love of being filled with the Holy Spirit, although that helps us through many moments in life.  It is for sanity and, to be honest, to have the strength to make it to the next morning.  We must know our Savior.  We must lean into Him ALL the time.  Why do you suppose our God lets all these things culminate on top of our heads sometimes?  Maybe we grow the most when we trust Him in the exhausting moments.  When those moments come and they will, where do we run?

Thank you to all who pray and reach out to those in need.  My life has been touched radically by prayers and hands, so I must give the Lord all the glory for it.

Uncertainty in life comes on a daily basis.  This is where we actually have a real chance to ask God to help us.  This is where we learn who God is and that He provides shelter.  If we did not have storms, we would never be able to truly grasp His peace and calmness.  Praise Him in the storm!

Happy Music Friday!

Song:  Praise You in the Storm
Artist:  Casting Crowns

Coming soon!  I am working on a series of posts with the title:  Romance in the Christ-Centered Marriage
I am really excited about this and hope it is applicable to almost every married couple!