Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Feet On The Ground

When was the last time you were on a roller coaster?  On a boat?  On a ride of any kind?!!  Although I used to enjoy this kind of thing, we are not theme park enthusiasts at all...

My husband and I are headed to a park this week though.  I am excited for the chance to act like a kid with him.  (Maybe a bit anxious about the rides:)  It really has made my heart light up like my little girl's, which is such a wonderful experience for any adult.  My words are few today as I give some advice to married folks.  Let your heart be light...let the smiles of your kids allow those little bubbles of excitement inside you come out.  It's a good thing!

"Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”  Isaiah 12:6