Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Man's Perspective (just so happens to be the one I love!)

What makes your wife the happiest?
A clean home and warm brownie with her family.

What is most attractive about her?
Her caring nature.

How do you know when she is upset?
An extra wrinkle in her forehead.
She becomes quiet.

How important is intimacy to you versus her?
I would say it's the same for both of us.

How could your marriage be better?
Find a way to make more romantic date times.

What do women want?
Mel Gibson made a movie about this and look how he turned out!

What advice can you give to wives?
Don't jump to conclusions please...

What about husbands?
A song comes to mind..."A Stand By My Woman Man" by Ronnie Milsap (who she would not admit to being one of her favorite all-time singers!)

What does intimacy have to do with God?
He is the author; unfortunately He has been taken out of the picture.

Would you say civilized affection around your children is important and why?
Yes, it's different for boys and girls. Boys need to see it to learn it is healthy to show affection and girls need to see it and experience affection. Society places huge pressures on girls to live out their fantasy princess childhoods.  If they don't get it at home, they will seek it somewhere else.

How important is it to have those moments of private time to share intimacy on a regular basis? What happens when you don't?
It's very important because the world is very "me-oriented" and it's easy to be discouraged or bogged down juggling careers, bills, and raising a family.   So, having that alone time allows one to refocus on the priorities God has given us.

A must read book for any parent raising girls:  Bringing Up Girls by James Dobson.

Okay, what did I learn from this?  I learned that first, men don't really actually know what women want, but, if they are well-intended, they know what gives the greatest joy to their wife.  I learned that I actually like Ronnie Milsap! haha!  And last, I learned that being together passionately and physically helps my husband relieve mental pressures that he experiences on a daily basis.  It is that important!

So, how can we as wives be the best for our husbands?  What can we do to make that happen more often than it probably does now?