Monday, July 9, 2012

My Better Half

Finally, I am ready to continue on with the topic of relationships...we are all in one!  For the wives out there, please open your ears to what your husband needs.  Would you believe it is totally spelled out for us in scripture?!

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Well, I must admit that this is not all Scripture offers us for keeping your marriage on the track toward Heaven, but the word submission has a beautiful meaning here.  The culture has twisted and used this word with highly disgusting connotations.   Submission here is a form of respect, of admonishing.  Of adoration.  I could almost even describe it with the word surrender.

I am a wife coming up on 7 years in August.  Wow!  Our marriage priorities look like this:  we honor God first.  Now, it is not perfect.  We are not perfect.  But, we try to daily keep this the center by praying together and hopefully studying together.  Second, we respect each other.  The Bible is very clear on this:  wives respect and husbands love.  The times of tension we have had, although not our normal, have been either a disrespect on my part for him or an unloving mannerism on his part to me.

STEP 1 to healthy intimacy:  Wives respect.  Husbands love.  Think of ways this week that you could show respect.  This may start a beautiful cycle and help him return love to you.  Once we are respecting and loving, we will see the awesome power of God start to flame up in our marriage!

I interviewed my husband with an array of questions about love, intimacy, and God's role for it all.  It was fun to learn some things I had not realized about the way he thinks about these things...Let us see if we can gain some insight from a man's perspective!

Meet my better half Dustin on tomorrow's post!  Now go ladies, let's start doing some respecting!