Thursday, August 16, 2012


I stopped and thought about my words the other day.  Words are wonderful, yet stunningly dangerous.  Conscious efforts to control our tongues will enable the Holy Spirit to shine out!  I just want to love others.  I am a loving individual but have not always been loving or compassionate to those I do not know.  Who am I out of my comfort zone?

She stopped me in the hall.  She says, "When are you leaving?" I tell her October.  She asks if I am excited.  Of course, I say! I have said hi to her before, but I don't know her.  She tells me in that stark hospital hallway that her little girl just started kindergarten.  She is smiling that anxious sort of smile.  I ask how she has done after the first week.  She says it has been a bit rough, but they are adjusting.  They are adjusting to the schedules, the homework, the fatigue, and on and on.  Have I ever really cared about what another soul is experiencing?  When I am not affected?

We talk a minute and have that dreaded conversation about home education vs. public school vs. private.  I am learning to avoid it altogether.  It seems to have a negative effect on compassion.  She says homeschool was not an option for her.  Do I really care about her and her options?

I realized then that the judgement on my lips is a viscous tool Satan uses.  I sealed my mouth, asked Satan to flee from our conversation.  I am being moved to be extremely conscious of what I say.  It matters!  

"I am the vine; you are the branches.
 If a man remains in me and I in him, 
he will bear much fruit; 
apart from me you can do nothing."  John 15:5

We end our "hall moms' meeting." Yet, I sense an urging that we didn't finish.  I go back to where she is working to tell her I want to be an encouragement.  Yes, awkward for a moment.  I tell her that all families come to decisions in different ways.  What can I do for her? She needs to know I care.  And I really do.  More than that, I want her to know there is a God who loves her and cares for her.  He knows everything about her...already.  He reminds me daily that He knows what is best for me.

Isn't that what Christ wants our hearts to yearn for?  Caring, loving meetings that can point to Him in their own time.  I encourage you today to reach out, take a risk.  Meeting a need can be as simple as having a conversation that is not all about you.  Chances are good that whoever you reach out to could use a friend named Jesus...

Happy Music Friday!

Song:  By Your Side
Artist:  Tenth Avenue North