Monday, August 27, 2012

Imperfect Perfection

Sunday morning:

-Olivia is being disobedient.  I am impatient with her.  Love is?
-Time is wasted as I read the news and spend only 10 minutes reviewing for my class at church.  Is my heart prepared?
-She now loves cartoons.  I give in when I need to get things done.  Should I try to include her instead of leaving her a vegetable?
-The church parking lot is full.  We park at the back.  This should be a good thing right?
-Her shoes are on the wrong feet and she is used to Dustin carrying her.  It feels like 5 miles.  I insist she walk at least half of the way.  I sweat.
-My pre-k kids are as loud as the rest of the preschool hallway put together.  No settling them down.  Does Jesus fit here?
-Two boys are taking turns saying "booty" and laughing.  They chase each other.
-I read the story about the Last Supper for our study.  They asked if Jesus had coffee.  Is this the point?
-Our memory verse is said, whispered, yelled, used in activities, put with sign language....they get the star sticker when they say it.  They sound like robots reciting.  Is this hiding God's Word in them?

Jesus said, "Remember Me."  -memory verse

Please read this knowing that every intention before the day begins is good.  I am not perfect, and sometimes that is more than I can handle.  There is beauty in this...

As I say our verse over and OVER and over with the children at church, I am suddenly struck with the most intense irony every.  The God kind.  He is telling me to "Remember Him."  When those moments heap up, remember who He is.  Maybe this verse I am hoping they remember to tell their mommies as they pick them up is not entirely mean't for them after all...

Remember why He is our Savior.  If we were perfect, we would not need Him.

Thank you Jesus for my flaws.