Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beauty in Breathing

She has learned the wonderful ability of making her voice sound like a cat that is in trouble...  then, depending on the moment, she may be inclined to throw herself on the floor and proceed with the "cat-call" all the time looking straight at me.

With every piece of bone in my body, I wait.  I stare at her.  I ask her if she is done yet.  Next, we review the breathing.

Take a deep breath in!  Let it out slowly.  Regroup.  Let's pray.  I take her hand and ask her to talk to God with me.  Let's ask him to help us breathe.  Breathe slower.  Talk slower.

When we learn to breathe in heavy and out slowly, there is beauty there.  It only takes a split second for our minds to reinitialize, calming the anxiety of the minute.  Then, we pray.  Like a blooming flower seeking what is right, she will imitate Mom and Dad.  I look into her big blue eyes and see that she only wants to grab our attention.  That is it.  We must give her the right attention, not giving her everything she wants.  I love her so.  But I love her into God's Will for her life.  I love her into obedience.

I love her into a flower that never wilts under the shade of His Hands!