Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Down

We have a flat yard, great for playing and running and sprinklers and gardening; it is not so good at being full of leaves.  Dad says I should be happy about this...oh, what maintenance it is cleaning up leaves!  I must say that visiting their house and watching them fall means something now.  To sit back on the patio and watch as they fall like rain and Olivia running through.  It hit me, she has never seen leaves fall like this before!

How grand is it to live in the middle of these small things.  They really aren't small at all; they are evidences of the Creator watching us run and play.  In the midst of "life" going on, we get to enjoy the "minimal" moments like the leaves swaying toward the ground.

We may be swept up with wind at times and land in uneven spaces, but we will eventually fall back to the ground where our Heavenly Father waits for us.  He has been waiting there all along, watching our trail as we make our way to Him...just like the leaves.