Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In The Middle

A desire I am waiting on...I have felt frustration in the waiting.  I love seeing the mountain behind me though.  I am still fully outfitted in my climbing gear, taking more steps daily.  The summit could still be a mile away, after all.  I have made the claim for years now that God sees us through if we believe Him.


The thing I am learning is that He wants me to go on this journey.  He would not have laid it on my heart and before my feet if it were not so.  Could He be waiting on my surrender?  I have sung the song, but surrendering ALL is so much to ask, right?  Even down to my innermost desire?  Yes.  God surrendered all for me.

I pledge, during my climb up this mountain, to surrender ALL.

For us mountain-climbers, here are some words that are opening my eyes:

"For I know the plans I have for you," says The Lord.  Funny how I picked this verse for the kiddos to learn this week...

He whispers in my heart-Do not worry about your life.  Give me your burden, and I will give you rest.

At church on Sunday, we shared with the children: Do not be afraid.

All this "planned" child-sharing is having such an impact on me, I am getting the feeling it may not be for them in first place...

Jesus, I am yours.  The work of staying steady climbing my mountain is only accomplished when you are my focus.  I surrender all.