Thursday, February 21, 2013

Preschool Directions

Recently, in a study group we talked about a woman's three core Biblical callings in this life.  Giving all credit to Shaunti Feldhahn for organizing these principles, they sound a little something like this: leave and cleave, be fruitful and multiply, subdue and rule.  The Life Ready name of this study is a funny thing for me...  My life has changed DRASTICALLY in the last year, and I am witnessing God making me "life ready."  We are always growing though, and even in my obedience to Him, I am daily needing that assurance of the right place to be.  

While Olivia is our little girl, I now have been blessed to get to use the "fruitful and multiplying" command as it pertains to other small children.  How am I being fruitful?  Well, it wasn't yesterday when I lost my cool and ended circle time early.  After our "Stepping Stone" story, they were not able to answer a single of my seemingly child-oriented questions.  They didn't listen.  Or did they?  Well, I read it again...letting a bit harsher tone seep out.  Is this really being fruitful for the next generation of Jesus followers?  Do they learn from a short fuse?  You bet.

I prayed for patience.  They need to see me NEED Him.  If I am never showing neediness to fill a whole, they will have the impression that always trying harder will have them where they need or want to be in life.  I know it's only preschool, but I believe what they learn today will impact them for eternity.

Some of the ways God is letting me pour into the kids is by allowing my brain to organize our weekly topics.  If you keep children or have your own, I do hope you will try this out as one way to keep them learning, having fun and keeping Jesus at the center.

-Decide a month at a time what your weekly topics will be.  Would you do a week on the season of the year...are there events that are happening in your community...what are some skills that little ones can learn about taking care of the are a few examples of mine:  weather, the circus, pink and red, royalty, being healthy, games, how to love, and anything your little heart can come up with.

-Keep Scripture at the center.  For instance, this week our topic is the circus.  All the kids went to see the circus a few weeks ago, and they have talked and played nonstop since.  The verse I picked is from Ephesians.  "Walk in love, as Christ has love us and given Himself for us..."  Keep it shortened. We are not at seminary here.  We are pretending to "walk" a tightrope as we say the verse.  They love it!  

-Once you decide the weekly topic, break down the daily coverage for the week you are about to begin.  This keeps it not so overwhelming for you.  We had a shortened week this week, so for instance, yesterday we talked about circus animals and did an animals-in-the-cage craft.  We will have a day for clowns, for the circus train and for the acrobats.  I take 30 minutes on Saturdays and think hard for game ideas along with the crafts.  I try to have all things pre-cut and organized before the week starts.  This is my favorite part!

-Incorporate food.  Kids love food!  In following with my circus example, we will have popcorn as a snack one day this week and make snow cones in the blender.  The girls also know what to expect with "Waffle" Wednesdays and pizza on Thursdays.  

I hope you will look forward to some more of my insights into this crazy, loving adventure of "being fruitful."  I do take it pretty seriously.  My personality is rather serious, so getting goofy and getting silly is where I pray my hardest.  Kids don't like a stick in the mud:). More to come...