Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Hands are Tied

Up in the front row, they are there about once a month. I know the family who plays the biggest role in ushering them through the doors of the sanctuary. They have on the orange jumpsuits, so we all know who they are. We sang Amazing Grace yesterday morning, as I couldn't help to glance down in time to see a shorter guy in the middle attempting to raise his hands. I couldn't see clearly from my spot in the balcony, but were they in handcuffs?

He was praising God with is hands in chains?

I got that little lump in my throat as I sang softer, trying to keep from tearing up. What a reality, hitmeinheart moment, thinking we are all in chains. Everyday somehow. Even when we have the most glorious time with our family or dinner turns out great or the house is spotless for a second or we said the right thing...on and on. The truth is that we are all in a set of handcuffs that only have one key. ONE.

A sweet release of burden comes in handing it right over to the King. Everyday. There is a wonderful way to take the pressure off. I am doing this as I sing on Sunday... I imagine God on the throne and Jesus standing up front. He has his hands open to me and I am propped up on my knees. In one hand, I place insecurity, in the other I place heartache, back to the first, I place safety of my family, in the other, I place doubts, and this continues for as long as I hold my heart there.

One by one, they are gone. When my human ways bring them back again, or even Satan himself, here I go, placing them in those hands in front of me. Handing them over and over.

Thank you Lord for bringing those changed and changing hearts from the detention center into Your house. The impact is just as much on those around them as it is on them. You are using them to change my heart and they don't even know it. Amen.