Tuesday, March 26, 2013

When I want it first!

Keeping little ones comes with many blessings and challenges as you might imagine.  Having Olivia expected to share every single toy is difficult.  At night, before bedtime, I give her the option to set aside a couple things that she would rather not share the next day.  This is usually her Strawberry Shortcake book and Baby Sue (the smallest baby doll we have).  This is a way for me to acknowledge to her that I see how hard sharing can be.

Another gentle approach that is working well has been taking toys away.  By this I mean if there is something that 2 girls want but they are being unkind, I stop them and kneel down on their level.  I reassure them that they may both have a turn...all sounding completely common so far?  They say that they understand and will share and then comes the good part... I ask one who should get to play first.  If she says, "me!" I give the other child a chance to answer.  If both say they should go first, I put the toy away.  It is vital that they learn a giving spirit early on in life.  Not a "me first" mindset.  

This has been working fellow mothers and caregivers!  

Olivia came to me just this morning, saying, "Maddy can read that book first and then I will."

I encourage you to try this if you need some gentle options for sharing techniques...