Friday, April 19, 2013


Olivia has been through a lot this week... She got a small cut on her thumb that didn't really seem to be a big deal. Well, it became infected. Three afternoons ago, it was so swollen that she could not hold a colored pencil. She was in pain, so I got her to the doctor. Two shots, heavy antibiotics, and Epsom salt later...she is finally turning around.

This post is about the salt. I have never used Epsom salt, except a long time ago for an ingrown toenail. Used to gargle salt water when my thought was sore. It has really helped Olivia. As far as I can tell, it is painless and dries up even the worst of infection. I am sure the antibiotics have played a role, but I can see the effects of the salt. I recommend picking a carton of the salt up for your medicine stock. They say you can use it for anything!

Not a very fun post, but I thought it could be useful!