Monday, April 22, 2013

Review of my "First Semester"

The spring term at my preschool (haha) is coming to a close. We are finishing up with a week about bugs next week. This will be a fun topic, seeing how I can open the door and show them plenty of examples...

I wanted to give a semi-brief review of this first round of keeping little ones.

We should start with what worked:
-keeping the daily layout as much the same as possible from one day to the next
-offering circle time with Bible and prayer-they now expect it
-trying some new foods on the lunch plate
-selecting topics they would find interesting and pre planning a daily craft
-getting goofy with them:)
-reading at least two books a day
-letting them learn to do some things on their own (hand washing, putting on outside garments)
-insisting on gentleness but being firm *This is such a biggie that I will do an additional post this week on it*
-memorizing scripture and I must say, LONG verses are now part of our memory bank with the fun way we use our arms to act them out

Ok, here goes. What did NOT work:
-expecting to offer the youngest one the exact same activity. I did not think this through on many of our projects.
-allowing them total free play where they remove every toy from its place. It took much frustration in cleaning, which sometimes still didn't happen an hour later.
-having a set time for each part of the day...duh!!!
-opting for certain "educational" shows instead of cartoon at tv time. I did find one series called Mighty Machines that worked for a few lessons, but for the most part, they really want a cartoon when the tv comes on. They deserve this 30 minute window.
-introducing a few difficult concepts. Some of our children's Bible lessons introduced the Holy Spirit, and I tried to do it justice. What was I thinking?? The Holy Spirit will do His own justice as we study and they grow.

Some things I may introduce as the end of summer and fall begin:
-writing letters concentration. Finger paint, chalk, painting, flour, whatever we can think of to form our letter of the day. One of the little girls will be getting ready for kindergarten.
-longer circle time. Offering them a chance to pray instead of asking for requests and me only leading prayer.
-field trips. I have to get brave for this, but I am now comfortable with the three girls. The days of the baby addition, no field trips allowed!
-talking about missions. What it means to help others.
-house work and domestication. More importantly the beauty of being keeper at home.
-exercise down the street. Maybe walking, maybe jogging. Hardly one car is out during the day where I live, but I just haven't felt comfortable enough to get out of the yard with them.
-initiating the cooking day when I take the time to have a weekly plan for all of them at the kitchen counter. At 4, they should be able to make a sandwich at least. This will help them see more about cooking and all that goes into it.

My hope is that I could share this season of my life with you. I am being as honest as I can be, maybe giving you some insight too if you have children at home. I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you!