Friday, May 10, 2013


Just now, my girl (and some others) lay asleep.  All is quiet...I can hear the clock ticking and the rain drizzling.  Wanting to share my thoughts on a mother's identity with you.  Who is she?

-A CARRIER OF IDEAS-she ponders something new to cook, a new place to visit, a new way to show her children something, a better place to plant those flowers, a neater way to organize the shoe closet, a special way to pack a gift...

-A HAND REACHING OUT-she will reach to the ends.  This begins with her husband and extends to the children and even grasps the needy around her inside the clutches of her fingertips.  She wonders what the next thing will be, if she makes time to wonder.  A crying child, an ailing parent, a friend who needs a shoulder.

-AN EXAMPLE-she can act any way she chooses, all the while knowing those little eyes are learning...what she wears, how she talks, when she prays, how she reacts, even who her best friend is matters.  Best friend meaning Jesus.

-A LEGACY MAKER-she leaves something wherever she goes.  In the eyes of her family or just the grocery store clerk.  A legacy means what we leave behind.

Thank heavens none of this is resting all on our shoulders!  I cannot tell you enough the reliance we mothers must have on treasuring God's Words.  Did I saying treasuring?  I mean reading ladies!  All preaching aside, mothering is a truly impossible task without the wisdom that God designed through His teaching.  Yes, you can mother without Him.  But you will be miserable.  Believe me, the moments I have taken it upon myself to "decide" what I am going to do in a concerning attitude of the heart, I am left forgetting my wallet at the grocery store and using less than perfect language in front of my daughter.  

Don't we desire to bring fresh inspiration to the table, reach our hands out as far as they will go, set a right and true example, all while creating a legacy that points directly to a Savior and supplies memories of comfort when we are gone?  Of course...I do.  I pray for me and you that this Mother's Day is special for reasons beyond normal.  I pray that we can spend time with the memories of mothers who have already left legacies and share true fellowship with the dear mothers who are still living their stories.  I pray we will admit our shortcomings to our Father in Heaven and let Him fill us with peace and joy in resting on GRACE.  We are mothers because He chose us to be.