Friday, January 27, 2012

7. Faithfulness

One thing that has really opened a door for me spiritually is gardening.  This time of year, there are little chirps from the birds at my birdfeeder on sunny days.  This reminds me, spring is on the way.  In a couple of months, we will be planting!  Do you garden?  Have you ever tried to grow your own vegetables?  If you have not, I challenge you to try this year.  Not only will you have a healthier intake, you may even be like me and grow closer to the Lord through your experience! 

The parable of the Seed Sower is a story Jesus uses to describe to the people of that day (and now) the differentiation of a follower of Christ and one who falls trap to the schemes of the enemy.  While this may sound black and white as I describe it, I hope you will read it for yourself to see how Jesus paints the picture of the world we live in today.  It also reminds us what our focus should be.  It says that Christ is the Seed.  See what you think.  Luke 8: 4-15

Gardeners have to learn what it means to be faithful, to their plants at least.  You must nurture a seed until it is strong enough to take on the elements; you must keep the weeds away during growth; you must provide nutrients and water; you must prune away the dead foliage.  Work will have to be done, rest assured.  But, what a pleasant outcome a garden can be...on the other hand, sometimes things don't grow or end up like you thought they would.  It is a beautiful learning experience, one that I would parallel to a walk with Christ.  There are times of lush foliage and other times of the dryest August.  Yet, no matter the conditions, we continue to nourish and be patient, letting God do what He does best. 

I don't normally like to be drenched in sweat.  Yes, I'm one of those girls:)  But, when I am working in my garden, I am completely dedicated, even if I am dripping!  It is a hobby and a treat for my family, but most of all, it is a way I am one on one with my God.  I am thinking as I see my dirty hands how God made the soil and even the earthworms play an important role in gardening!  Even if you do not think this will become a favorite past-time, I challenge you to use the space you have and get your hands dirty.  You may just find that you can talk with God while you plant.  Let growing your own consumables give you a hands-on way to understand faithfulness!

Happy Music Friday!

Song: What Faith Can Do
Artist:  Kutless