Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Are you happy?  Maybe, maybe not.  I bet you already know that happiness comes and goes, possibly even multiple times per day.  Happiness is one result of your circumstances.  It is how you feel, your emotions.  God gave them to you.  The American dream was defined as the "Pursuit of Happiness;" unfortunately this motto is a set up for a break down.  So, what is joy?  Are you ready?  True joy is found in an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, and no where else.  That's it.  Wow!!!  Pure joy is unending.  You will always have it.  It does not change based on your circumstances.  Sure, it may be overshadowed on particularly difficult occasions, but it is always there.  Best of all, joy brings with it a Savior, a comforter, and a best friend.  I hope you desire to seek true joy in your life.  Here's how you do it:  Be alone with God.  Go into a room, close the door.  Get on your knees if you feel comfortable.  To humor yourself, start with an introduction for your prayer.  After all, the King already knows you better than you know yourself.  Tell Him you know you have sinned in your life.  You know that you need someone to come alongside you to show you the Way.  Tell Him you are broken and you want Him to heal you.  Tell Him you are lonely and you need a best friend.  Tell Him you have never known true love.  Ask Him to give you the faith of a mustard seed to believe His Holy Word.  Ask Him to come into your heart and show you what needs fixing.  Don't try to fix yourself first...tomorrow may be too late.  Be honest with yourself and invite Him to be the King of your life.  If you do this, find another believer to talk to about it.  Email me if you'd like!  I'd love to welcome you into the greatest adventure and peaceful lifestyle you've ever known!  When you have Jesus living in your heart, that is what it means to be "saved."  He will bring the Holy Spirit, which will give you help when you read scripture and comfort you as you walk day to day.  Most of all, He will give you an unspeakable JOY!

"I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No man comes to the Father, except through me."  King Jesus