Friday, February 3, 2012


Do you know anyone who you would describe as witty?  How about yourself?  Well, some would describe me that way.  I think that is so funny!  I guess I do like to keep my sense of humor when at all possible.  And, after being conscious of this, I see that I seem to have quick comebacks in some conversations.  It is just part of my personality.  It sure makes it hard though, when a witty person can't think of the words to say!  Worse yet, it has given me over to saying something I wish I hadn't on multiple occasions!  As a mother, I have to remember that Olivia is listening to my sarcasm as much as anything else.  The adults in the room may know I am just being funny, but a young child doesn't understand that yet.  She takes it just how I say it.

This Friday, I wanted to send out a message to the Witty Fan Club...stay fun, but watch what you say:)  Don't let your wit look like arrogance or rudeness.  I want to tie this to a verse that I am hoping to memorize.  When I think of wanting to always know what to say to someone, I sometimes forget where to start with my words.  Listen to what scripture can do for you:

"For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 

The best "wit" you could have is the Word of God!  

Happy Music Friday!

I sing this song to Olivia when I give her a bath.  Enjoy:)

Song:  My Girl
Artist:  The Temptations