Monday, March 26, 2012

Brand New

Have you ever felt brand new?  We have gotten our garden ready for spring is a brand new spot this year.  New as in never been there before, never been planted or maintained there before, never produced fruit there before...a wonderful picture of what it means to become a follower of Christ!  This first fire of a new follower is usually amazing.  It is unmistakable, and that person is usually soaring on eagle's wings.  They should be, after all!  Great news today ladies...even someone who has quite a road dug out on their journey with Jesus can soar on eagle's wings!

A well-known verse from the book of Lamentations that rings in my ears today:
Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning;    great is your faithfulness.   
New every morning????  You mean, when the day ends without my nightly prayer or I didn't make priority to do my study or I got too impatient with Olivia or I rolled my eyes at Dustin?  Yes, friends, every morning.  That heaviness on our hearts from whatever is going on can be taken away in an instant when we acknowledge the power of God giving us daily mercy and compassion.  Amen!

Maybe this blank canvas will be a good visual for you to remember the New Creation You are in Christ!

Without personally coming to beg you to garden myself, I must tell you that showing your children how to plant and nourish something draws a real tangible parallel to God's Word that they may understand.  Olivia is only 2, so I will be elementary with the inferences to Scripture, but I will surely make them.  Have fun and give it a try!

 Part I: Start Children Growing Early coming next post!