Wednesday, March 21, 2012


These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.                           Deuteronomy 6:6-7

She knew these by heart!  I'd by lying if I said that I did not marvel a little, with a small twinkle of pride, when my little girl spouted out these verses at her Papa and Mimi's house this past weekend.  But, even more than pride (thank you Lord), was a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit reminding me that she is capable and listening to our words.  I realize she does not understand them, but the sound of solid Truth coming out of that sweet little person is enough to shake me to the core.  We are to LIVE these words.  These are not just words on a page, wonderful stories to teach the young ones, loving tales...this is God's Word, spoken through timeless prophets and apostles!

I would work my way into Heaven if I could.  Some people really think you can do that!  I like to follow rules, obey orders, and for others to like me.  It is the way I am wired.  Lately especially, there have been more and more instances where I am being shown what grace is all about.  Commitment to a loving Savior, and a daily walk that is unbelievable, is the only way I have to get into the Kingdom!  In a way, I still try to work at it, being a good girl and all.  I am thankful that Jesus knows me inside and out, AND He loves me anyway!  He is changing my heart ever so slightly these days, letting me in on the greatness of grace.  A great way I think of grace--He loves me in spite of me!

Spoken from the mouth of a toddler, a weak and slow-understanding child, He is showing me His grace is sufficient.  Sigh....thank you Father for your perfection.  Thank You for seeing through my legalism and pride.  Thank You for molding my heart.  Thank You for your never-ending grace!