Thursday, December 6, 2012


Usually, Olivia and I get a huge enjoyment out of watching all of our little bird-friends come eat their meals at our feeders.  We recently even made them a feeder out of a halved pumpkin shell.  She smashed on the peanut butter while I added the seeds...we decided to add some oats too.  They loved it!  This one little guy who looked like he was wearing a black hat was there many times a day.  When he finished in the pumpkin, he would stand atop the shepherd's hook and lick his feet, trying to clean off that peanut butter.  We thought that was too cute!  Watching the birds is a pleasant new hobby that Olivia and I now get to share together.

What we both agree on is that we don't like those giant blackbirds coming up to the feeders.  They keep all the cute little ones away.  Olivia has heard me comment so much now that when they try to come close, she runs to the back door and yells, "shoo mean ole crows!"  Pretty funny....

Today as I sit at my table in the quiet while my little girl sleeps, I look over to see 2 big blackbirds pecking around.  At first, I think, "At least they don't try to hang from the feeders."  I watch them for hops over to my more than dead mum and leans in for a drink from the standing water in the tray underneath.  I think, "He is thirsty." Maybe they aren't so bad.  They are birds too, right?

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"