Friday, December 7, 2012

Ways to Make Meaning

I am sometimes desperate for certain moments to have meanings.  This can be difficult with children because things are so simple to them.  I forget that.  Sometimes, all she needs is a colored picture to imprint on her brain to remember.  I pray that He keeps reminding me that we are to be like little children in some ways.  The simplicity of it all can cut straight to the soul during those moments when you are least expecting.  We have been following the advent study done by Ann Voskamp.  I encourage you to go to her website, and become a member.  She gives a free downloadable PDF that guides you through scripture following the days until Christmas with her own remarks afterward.  She has included pictures that are printable for use as ornaments.  This has been a time for us as family to gather beneath the tree each night and let Olivia hang the ornament.  Daddy reads the Word and then I read the extra remarks.  Of course she is only partially attentive, it's okay. Are hearts are being prepared for the season of JOY we are in...