Monday, January 7, 2013

Little Money Spent

In our community, as in every place, there are many outings and exciting things for families and children to get into.  Of course, most of the time this may involve at least a 20$ bill per outing (that's just with one child...).  Also, while some payed classes are certainly great ways to get your little one involved, I encourage you to see what you can do WITH your child.  What if I gently reminded you of all the opportunities to get out and enjoy activities that are very inexpensive or free?  Yes, you're welcome.

*Visit the best playground in your area.  We do this on a weekly basis.  It would be more if we weren't a 15 minute drive.  You may think this is just for better weather, but ask your kids if they care that the sun isn't shining...I will wrap mine up in coat, gloves, scarf, hat, tights, pants-you know the drill.  But, she is elated to put all that on if it means the chance to go down the fastest slide in town- COST: FREE (except gas)

*Drive through the car wash.  Yes, we wash our cars at home.  On occasion, when the weather is above freezing of course, I intentionally take Olivia through the car wash to give her some sudsy excitement...she is a bit frightened at first, then as I goof around with her, she starts singing "Washes me with Super Soap" song.
The car is happy in the end too. -COST: $5

*Take a look at the activities offered at your local community center.  We are blessed to live 10 minutes from Sportscom, which provides endless opportunities for crafts, physical education, you name it... Olivia's favorite so far? the indoor pool free swim time.  Once a week we are spending about an hour playing (disguised exercise) in the shallow end.  -COST: 3$ for me; nothing for her (4 and under free in our town)

*Library Time!  I cannot say enough about getting your child around all those books.  We are there once a week.  Research the programs offered there.  Our library had a preschool group that met and we did a craft, a couple songs, a couple readings, a Max and Ruby show, and a puppet show.  Olivia adored it!  Now, with me keeping more children, we will not be participating in that, but we will be visiting to check in/out books weekly.  She picks a few, I pick a read-a-loud chapter book.  She has completed her first chapter book in listening to Sarah, Plain and Tall.  What an important chance for children to see how books grow their brains! -COST: FREE (except gas)

*Picnic at a park.  Take a ball or frisbee.  Again, even if the weather is chilly, unless it is unbearable, we can always be out for a limited amount of time.  If we prepare the kids and ourselves in how we are dressed, a short time in the frigid is actually a nice breath of fresh air.  In our case, we have picked up a kid's meal and taken it to a place where she could run.  I mean run.  Run without watching for cars, dogs, etc.  Run till she's wiped out...Even her doll Sally Sue had wind blowing across that bald head! -COST: FREE (if you bring your own lunch)

*Take advantage of your outside space at home.  Do you have a yard?  Do you have trees? An equipment shed?  A deck?  Good, then you can play hide and seek.  She could spend 20 minutes chasing me around the "barn" as she calls it.  Have you ever been on a scavenger hunt in your own yard?  These are ideas just to promote outside time during the colder months.   Do you live on a paved street?  Have a stroller?  Yes, simple but go for it!  I let her pick 1 doll to "take for a ride" and she plays the entire time.  Meanwhile, you got it, I am working up a sweat!  Whew:)  -COST: FREE

Of course being a part of the body of Christ is a huge way to get your entire family involved in activities.  And those have a purpose, not just a fun time.  We have never been able to participate in Wed. activities at church, but this week we will start!  Yay!  Serving in the community is part of reaching out to be the hands and feet of Christ, so join with our family as we try to find ways to enjoy activities while also taking time to see how to reach others for Christ.

I hope all of these ideas swirl around in your brain and give you a head-start on getting out of the house this winter.  Take a long sip of hot tea or coffee to start your morning, then layer it up and head out the door!