Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Note to my Dearest

My sweet Olivia,

When you were born, I thought it would be forever till you sat up, walked, talked and interacted.  In only 3 short years, you have become this wonderful little soul.  You are curious like most preschoolers, but I see a little extra sparkle in your eyes.  When I told you earlier this week why it is dear to me that we don't waste our food, you became very concerned.  There was a look in your eyes when I taught you about those that do not have.

You couldn't believe that there are ones that are hungry...it changed the amount you ate for lunch that day.  It changed a complaining moment about something you did not like into trying to eat it anyway.  You are only 3 yet God is using you and softening your precious heart to make it more like His.  You are beginning to think of the least of those that Jesus loves.  When we help them, we are telling Jesus we love Him.

I pray you always remind me and daddy that the blessings of food and water should never be taken for granted.  Funny that when you came into this world, I thought that we would mold and shape you as you grew.  Maybe so.  The molding is taking place in us too.  God is using you to mature me.  I love you sweetheart.
