Monday, May 20, 2013

Daytime Whimsy

My husband gets in the floor.  He will do it for an hour straight, having multiple dress up outfits pulled tight over shorts, wearing "too small" sunglasses, pretending to be a kitty cat at one request, playing dollhouse, tea party, using crayons, flipping matching game cards over to match princesses...and he would do anything for her.

My mind runs wild sometimes with my to do list.  No, I don't mean stressful house chores, just excited to "accomplish."  My brain is most happy with accomplishing.  I am here to throw out the notion of balance between the mother's lists and really BEING a mother, and there is a difference.  

1.  Chores for mom only:  cleaning bathrooms, refrigerators, among other "not too pretty" items.  I am trying to accomplish these during bath time play (that bathroom only:), nap time, quiet play time, and tv time.  I am restricting my time getting these things done when Olivia is involved in some other way.

2.  Chores to share: share them of course!  Now, although Olivia has mastered the art of sweeping into a pile now, don't set expectations too high for your preschooler.  This doesn't mean they cannot be taught the correct way to get something done.  When I dust, so does she.  I also encourage her to help load laundry and fold.  She will attempt dishes, although I almost can't take the water everywhere:).  The point is that if she can help, she should be learning.  To her, it's fun most of the time to get to do what I am doing.  Sometimes, she chooses to push her baby in a stroller instead...

3.  Extra hobbies:  For a mom, this is tricky.  I enjoy writing, obviously.  I do this mostly at night, when Dustin is doing bedtime story.  Not in place of time with him-emphasis here!  I fill up some nap times with writing, sometimes reading.  Outside things are my difficult spot.  My garden is like a prize jewel to me this time of year.  If I was by myself, it would be my main time-filler.  Grooming, pulling weeds...maintaining it.  I must be careful though, and when we go outside to play---- we PLAY!  I garden at the end of playtime or even when Dustin is at home to play.

4. Exercise: Treadmills and preschoolers don't mix... We save that for early, late, or nap time.  However, even her 43 pound self still fits nicely into the jogging stroller!  Incorporating the whole family into a nightly walk/run has been our latest great thing.  We are all getting exercise together!  She is almost ready to ride her bike as we jog.  I am just not sure that she could make the distance yet...  I have also been known to do push ups and sit ups while we turn up the music and sing and dance together.  Silly but efficient.  Make sure you don't exercise without the kids ever seeing you (treadmill after bedtime).  It is part of their health too!

Reminding myself that the to do lists, crafts, gardens, and all will probably exist for a long while.  Olivia will be grown in the blink of my eyes.  So, if she asks me to put on the fairy wings or dip my feet in her baby pool or dance the ballerina or line up the animals, I will.  I will put down my dish rag, my list, my book, and we will laugh and giggle in the floor.

I have learned so much in watching my husband be a father...