Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Faking It

A conversation...

How have you been?
Great!  Been busy with things, but enjoying the summer so far.
And how about you?
Can't complain, heading for the beach next week.  Excited to get my toes in the sand.
How are the kids?
Well, she is still competing hard and he is such a book worm...

I introduce you to a part of my life.  If you are honest, this might be a part of yours also.  For now, I'll concentrate on myself.  When someone asks me how I am, I am inclined to just say good.  A stranger at the checkout, a passerby as we walk the subdivision, the waitress.  And I would say that's okay with me.  Most of my days are good.  Filled with home life and fun moments.  But what about my conversations with those who KNOW me?  I beg the question for us all...are we being authentic as friends?  

I have some dear friends, just a few.  I can't handle many more than that:). If I sense that there is time given for a deep sharing instead of surface chit chat, I tell you, I jump in head first.  This personal carrying on is they way we KNOW each other.  Not from, hey how's it going...  Later, as a friend pointed out when I shared my concern, the enemy sneaks into words making me feel like I regret giving my heart on the table.

Stop him in his tracks.

We all understand, there are times when we should just get to know someone better.  I now understand as I have walked with Jesus, not everyone has my best interest like He does.  I choose not to share everything all the time.  That said, do share.  I cannot express the blessings that have fallen on me and even others when I have let someone see a little true piece of my heart.

It's nothing special.  Just a glimpse at a saved woman, taking a day at a time.  Someone needs you today.  Someone needs you to share your life with them.  They need to hear about the valley you just got carried out of.  Let us not be afraid of the enemy and his dealings.  Let us encourage deep, meaningful conversations reflecting the colors in our hearts.