Sunday, June 2, 2013

Long Distance

After nap time is normal for them to come.  This last time, she wanted to lay down earlier just because of it...

After she wakes, she creeps out of her room, peering around the corner, you can almost see the wishing in her eyes.  They are here!  She either gives her awkward giggle and runs for embraces or she takes the moment and makes it shy.  A visit from our family means some travel time.  One set of grandparents come less often but stay a few nights.  The other side comes a little more frequently on quick day trips.

Anyone who lives away from their family knows long distance is hard.  Some of you may even laugh at our so-called "long distance."  A few interstate hours and that's it.  To us, it's a long way.  See, if you relate, you know what it means to expect family coming to town.  Or better yet, get to go stay at grandma's for a holiday.   As I am thinking of the kind of little girlhood Olivia is having, I see the differences in my own.  My family all lived within a 45 minute radius.  We brought over dinner, met at the mall, played at Nana's until mom picked me up and exchanged plenty of time just being together.  That makes the thought of living away from my family a bit heartbreaking.  At times, it has been.  There have been many nights wishing we lived closer, wishing I could just have them for dinner or help if someone isn't feeling well.  

And then there's the honest truth.  I was excited to move away when I got married, see what's out there.  So tired of shopping at West Towne, hearing nonstop "Go Vols" or even just surviving with my new husband not having the tight grip of our families.  There have been some wonderful delights in our marriage when we did not have our family to turn to.  These times have so far strengthened us.  And friendships.  Wow!  A few couples that took us under their wing, so to speak, and they know who they are.  Each of them are more loved than they know.

Excited to leave, reaching a very low spot of wanting to return and now embracing the life where we are.  It has truly been an adventure!  In the eyes of my little blonde beauty, I see the relationships very clearly.  She is ECSTATIC when we tell her someone is on the way.  She is even more ECSTATIC when we tell her we are heading to East TN.  So precious.  So wonderful to hear the excitement in her little voice as she anticipates a visit.  Even with the closeness of my family growing up, I cannot honestly say I ever add that sense of hoping for the next time I saw them.  I saw them all the time.  Please hear my heart.  If you have your family close on the map, hold them tight!  It's beautiful to grow right alongside your blood.  If you do not, however, cherish those feelings and emotions that form the closest family bonds.  The ones that show when you just pick up your conversation where you last left off.

When the release of our safety net happens, sometimes leaving the ones we love the most, the ones we want to be with, that is the best place to crave a Savior.  Every time the bottom falls out, I tell you no lie, I grow in my faith taller than a mountain.  It is almost like a springboard.

Alone after one year of marriage, we had a HUGE decision to make.  Where to take a job.  Where to live.  Take more money and stay or jump into the unknown and leave.  How would it affect us?  Would we be able to handle yet another move away from the only place we ever called home?  We did.  And we would.  Jump into the unknown, I mean.  And oh, the blessings that have been poured out!  Not without pain.

I come to the garden alone, where the dew is still on the roses...and the voice I hear falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses.... He walks with me and He talks with me...

It's like a secret.  A secret that only we know when we are there.  A joy unspeakable to be alone, anticipate arrivals, see faces that we have longed to see.  A hug of true love, not just a motion.  The "I Love You" at the end is real.  It passes all phone calls, emails, even face time:).  Long distance can be a blessing in disguise...