Friday, June 7, 2013

Some Perspective

As I topped the hill on Cainsville Road...okay it's Pike...I was overwhelmed with the totaling of my life so far.  Olivia and I shared a old fashioned breakfast with dear friends, one that had just graduated high school.  We left the parking lot, after me clumsily spilling over some words I just had to say.

Words about the impact a young lady like her could have on the next generation.  It really got me thinking how fast days have gone.  

I am not talking about emotions here.  I must clear that up...after all, I am a VERY emotional human, thank The Lord:). This winding 2-lane road is one of the best country roads.  You are going up hills, not hardly any cars, taking in the farms and animals, twisting under the overhang of trees, calling you to a place where there are no busy schedules...

As we headed home, I was singing along to worship in my driver's seat, only to be completely overcome with God's perfection--my lack of faith.  All these times, these days and years of wondering, what-ifing.  Sometimes, I admit, I even wonder if He thinks of me the way Scripture tells.  Oh Laura!  My eyes are so wide today!  This gentle weaving of a tapestry is the story of life.  I am seeing such awe and beauty in it today!

A cancer-He brought good in it.  Looking at jobs, health concerns, friendships starting and dissolving, logistics of life in general, anticipations and anxieties-He was there all along.  I mostly acknowledged that.  Problem is, did I really believe He was the God of all and knew the end of it all?  Mostly, my worries would show that the answer was no.  Worry that traps us equals lack of trust that God is who He says He is.

Our faith is alive and can be made well!  And whole.  Jesus is that hand we grab when we are sinking.  Today, in my car, I grabbed it just because I can.  Reality has set in and I know my Maker.  I thank you God for getting right in the car with us.  For giving us moments when our breath is taken away in awe of perfection!

My lady friends-I hope so deeply that you grab the hand of the One who knows you better than your mother...better than your children, even your spouse.  Stop running!  He will run after you, but you have a choice to make.  You can see what it means to be the most freed-up girl you have ever been!  When your identity is secure.  Don't you see how loved you are?

Today I was reminded how loved I am...on a simple country road, with grape jelly still on my little girl's nose...