Thursday, July 18, 2013

Big Things

Surrounded by "big things" I write today.  Just about every friend and close acquaintance, including my own self, is in the middle of a BIG thing in life.  Are we ever out of the line of fire?

Well, the short answer for me is yes.

Each season is new.  Each morning is new.  Some seasons in our lives feel like they are way too quick.  We want them to stay longer, even never finish... Other times, we are ready for answers and changes even before our simple, shallow mouths can even mumble the words to pray.  No preaching here friends.  I am living it with you, today.

As I hear words like wait and patient and help and want, I look inside my own heart.  Yesterday, I was doing dishes for the third time before lunchtime ended and I got a very depressed feeling.  Like, "What am I doing here? Why can't I be the mom I want to be?  Why am I struggling with this so badly?  Will it ever change?"  Fast forward to today in a moment reading the Lord's Prayer with three little girls looking more bored than ever...

He spoke to me.  He speaks to each of us if we read the words.

See, I have just been stuck on that "daily bread" thing since our pastor spoke about it.  Just can't get over the depth of it.  Truly asking for TODAY'S bread.  That's it.

What can you handle today?  Do you know?

It really makes the biggest circle, though not round, starting at depressing feelings, wallowing a bit, experiencing consequences (most assuredly affecting others), asking for help from a Savior, Him meeting us when we dive into the Word, and FINALLY resting in His sufficient power over our lives.  Yes, this has been a daily circle for me lately.  

And I can't get enough of looking back to see growing faith.  As He hears, He answers.  Most definitely  He does!  How we always assume?  No.  Sometimes completely shocking answered prayer.  Sometimes just enough to get us through to the next time we pray.  In my own heart this week, by a sense of rest, just one honest deep breath... And that is what I needed when He gave it.

I ask you today to take that "big thing" you've got.  Hold it in the cup of your 2 hands and stare it straight down.  Say the Lord's Prayer over it.  When you are done, look back into those hands and see that "thing" given over to Jesus.  He knows it.  He chose it.  The next day take your deepest breath.  Maybe hopefully, the Holy Spirit will allow you to look back at your time of prayer in your place of peace.  That's your faith grown, a day at a time.

About my yes above.  I have been through seasons that are seemingly on the mountaintop.  No not seemingly, they really are! Fellow believers, we are not always being brought through difficult things.  But as I get older, I see that my faith has grown the most when I look at the seasons that were the most trying.  Those were the times I realized my need for my Savior.