Friday, July 26, 2013


So many things I don't know.  

I don't understand how...

The universe was spoken into existence
Someone thinks the earth is billions of years old
Families skip meals together
The cord gets tangled on the vacuum in less than one day
The flowers wilt two hours after they are watered
Runners go for miles and miles
A church has to beg for help
A cat can have so much hair
A room full of toys leaves a child crying for more
An airplane pilot decides to do stunts over the house
The prisons are overflowing
Ones that say they love can change overnight
My heart keeps beating day after day
I forget about hungry families
Time never slows but gets faster

Why do seasons change, food grows, our bodies work, joy exists, laughter heals, rains fall, people have differences...

Why does God love us?

Don't you see loved reader that these are few simple, cynical reasons we can't do this on our own?  There are answers to most of these thoughts and a million more.  God holds them all in the palm of His hand.  When Jesus saves you, there is not an instant answering of all life's questions.  There is a wonderful hole that is filled, making us able to rest in the promise that God is who He says He is.  

It makes the questions a little less important, knowing the One who knows each hair on our head.