Monday, August 5, 2013

Road to My Health

I have always thought of myself as healthy, but the truth is, I have seen changes lately that remind me of growing age...  And that's okay.  I am blessed with every new day and year, and so are you.  In order to celebrate this blessing, what can we do as mothers and women to increase our ability physically and mentally?  Not to mention, just as important, emotionally...

First things first.  Am I choosing to make quiet time EVERY day?  Each morning, shortly after waking, am I taking time to share in devotion and listen to God's holy words?  Can't say that this is perfect for me.  Some mornings I wake with my to do list already going 90 miles an how does my day go when I haven't started it with The Lord?  Chaos.  Usually ragged and worth nothing emotionally by lunchtime.  Just being honest here.

Second, how have I prepared for the day in a planning sort of way?  Do I know what my morning routine needs to be?  If clothes need to be layed out or lunch ideas need conjuring, have I done that?  Am I making it as easy as possible to enlist my family in some kind of order to our mornings?  You don't have to be a super-organized personality, but I must warn you to not let everything be random.  Families don't tend to find good stability that way.

Third, the body.  What am I eating?  Am I drinking water?  Have I at least attempted to include fruits and veggies?  One way we are adding nutrients to our days has been drinking morning smoothies.  It isn't that bad!  Spinach, apple, lemon, parsley, cucumber, carrots...that's one of them.  We tried a berry blend this morning.  I added a small amount of orange juice and vanilla yogurt.  It is a way to get vitamins and essentials, plus I have had more energy in the mornings.

Okay gals...are we moving around enough?  Lately my feet are throbbing at the end of the day so the answer is yes for me...but, the weather will start to cool off soon and that usually sends us indoors.  We still have options!  It is not feasible for me to go to a gym.  We live out in the sticks.  I have a 3 year old.  I prefer my home.  Jumping jacks, lunges, squats, push-ups, bicep curls...the list goes on.  What I recommend is a 30 minute routine you do every other day.  Just challenge yourself to stick to it for 2 weeks and see if you have more energy.  

Hopefully, you are beginning to join me in thinking of ways we can improve the body we are BLESSED with.  Be an encourager to others in your same mode of life.  Anyone can be healthy and everyone must start somewhere...LASTLY-WE ALL HAVE WORK TO DO, so don't feel extra pressure.  It helps me to think of where I have been verses where I am in my health instead of comparing myself to others.

We can pray together for blessings on our road to health!