Tuesday, July 9, 2013

What Do I Need?

We didn't go to the church building this past Sunday.  Lazy, I suppose.  Many visitors over the weekend, so we breathed deeply.  We watched service cuddled on the couch.  I opened my Bible and took notes as usual, but 

can God meet us right there on the couch?

Anywhere He pleases.

Our Pastor rounded out the message on the daily bread in the prayer Jesus prayed quoting scripture from Proverbs.  Well, he said it could be a challenge, but we should see if we can honestly say the words and mean them over our own lives...see what you think.

"Two things I request of You
(Deprive me not before I die):
Remove lies far from me;
Give me neither poverty nor riches-
Feed me with the food allotted to me;
Lest I be full and deny You,
And say, "Who is The Lord?"
Or lest I be poor and steal,
And profane the name of my God."

From Proverbs 30...

As I heard these words read to me, I got that little lump in my throat.  He was right.  This is hard.  Does this mean that God knows what I need?  All the time?  Better than I do?

Does it mean that I am to hunger for more? Money, time, friends, ideas, knowing more, having all the answers...

To be content.  Not poverty, not riches.  Right where I sit today.

Actually praying a prayer and honestly desiring to be at peace with what I have today was so refreshing.  Today is where we are.  Tomorrow is in God's hands, whether we like it or not.  As I start to look around at the different areas of my life, my eyes are wiser.  Choosing to make a list of concerns and desires and go through them one at a time.  A little different this time-not my open hand waiting on God's answer.  My heart deciding to take in utter contentment.

We don't have to simply "make it" through another day.  Jesus can be that burden carrier on which we can decide, with fullness in the Holy Spirit, to be truly content.

I pray it over you too friend.