Friday, August 9, 2013

New for Preschoolers

Well, the fall "semester" is upon us.  I have reorganized some of what we are doing here at home with the children to include a little bit of a pre-K spin.  Without going overboard...  Here are a few newbies that you may be able to use at home with your preschooler:

-Letter of the day with a Verse.  Each morning I will clothespin this page to a hook I have centrally located.  We will say it, say the verse, then they will have lined paper to trace it on.  We will probably trace with our finger then maybe a crayon.  Hopefully after a round of the alphabet tracing, they will be writing letters by themselves.

-Food Bell.  I was having difficulty with them cleaning up to prepare for breakfast and lunch, so I am trying something new.  I was repeating OVER AND OVER to pick up and wash to come to the table.  It seems the more words you use for preschoolers when giving them direction, the less they listen.  Out comes the bell.  I give them the 5 minute warning to begin cleanup and wash hands.  Then, I simply stand in the kitchen and ring the bell.  It worked beautifully!  They washed and came to their seats.  This prevents me from "over-commanding" them.  It also helps them make good decisions on their own.  With good consequences-food!

-Holding hands to Pray or Pass.  During our circle time, we end it with a prayer.  Usually I say it.  I really desired them to start to understand they can talk to Jesus just like I do.  Now, we are holding hands and bowing heads.  We say "Pray" and speak out loud, then squeeze the next person's hand when done.  If they would rather not pray out loud, they have the option of saying "Pass."  We will see if they grow more confident as they see they can talk to Him.  Giving them the option to pass, shows them they don't have to pray at a scheduled time.  They can talk to God at any moment.

-Bookworms!  Before nap, I pick a book to read, usually a rather long one.  Most of the time, there is arguing and begging for me to read a certain book.  I felt guilty not reading them the books they wanted, but I cannot read 3 before naptime.  They would never make it!  So, I have made a time in the afternoon called "Bookworms!" I sing a little song to get them ready and let them know to go pick out a book.  They each pick out one book and I read all three.  This has given them the chance to give me the book they have chosen.  

-Day of the Week themes.  Here goes!  These are the ones I have picked to start:
Masterpiece Monday-significant art project
Tasty Tuesday-learning to help in the kitchen...and eat too!
Wacky Wednesday-enjoy a fun project like next week's egg drop!
Thinker Thursday-flash cards, measuring, problem solving
Felty Friday-felt stories...old fashioned but they adore it!  And, I admit I do too:)

Keys to remember this time around is that the girls may play together but they do not have the same abilities.  They are not the same age.  I hope to keep that in perspective, although certain expectations for all of them do apply.  Also, there will be days that we just cling to free play.  If they are especially grumpy, we may forgo something in order to just get outside for fresh air.  As organized as I like to be, with 3 preschoolers and perhaps a 1 year old, it will not play out exactly as planned.  Probably never:)

Enjoy time with your preschooler!