Monday, August 19, 2013

Stand Strong

Each day, if it all holds together, I do music with the girls.  We sing a couple fun songs just to warm up...I'm a Little Teapot is a favorite.  After we are ready to belt it out, we worship with 2 songs, or 3 on a lovely singing day.

This year's Bible school songs really stuck with us.  One of them is called Stand Strong.  

Are the adult leaders supposed to be convicted in a VBS song line-up?  If God says so.

Careful what you say,
Careful what you do,
Dare to keep your head,
Dare to keep your cool.

Life can be distracting,
Careful how you're acting,
Don't forget God lives in you.

Stand strong, hold on,
even when it's tough, 
gotta lean on God and He will hold you up...

Stand strong, hold on,
Even when it's hard,
Gotta lean on Him and remember who you are...

Stand strong.

We can have strength and courage today.  If these little preschoolers can sing it, so can we.  God says we must have a child-like faith.  To me it means hearing them say we need to trust God.  Period.