Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Hive

I inched up to the door of the building, hoping the spray knocked them out a couple of days ago.  I saw one...big black body and yellow and black striped legs....yuck!

He seemed non-aggressive.  Still, I am not into bees.  Thought I better at least unlock the door and prop it open, just to see what I was getting myself into.  I did just that...only as soon as I, yes, KICKED open the door, one, two, three, four...

I can run pretty fast, you know!

All I wanted was to get a little tote out of there.  I meant no harm.  After standing there thinking about it for a short time, I decided I wasn't brave enough.  At home by myself with Olivia on her swing set, just couldn't risk it.  It really got me curious about these bee hives they build.

They are SO protective over it.  It must be their pride and joy.  Anything looking the least bit threatening, and honestly, they probably just have to make some quick circles and bye bye to the guest.  Wonder why God even made the insects so protective?  They have to be if they plan on surviving.

When the doors shut in our home, it feels like a little protective shell.  Sounds silly, right?  It's my safe spot.  I can file my toenails or eat a handful of popcorn or cry my eyes out.  All guard is down.  We are REAL.  Real when we say we aren't perfect.  The day was a bomb.  I never saw Jesus in any of it.  The the other can say that just because we didn't see Him doesn't mean He is not right here...

They always say you can talk about your own, but just watch out when someone else starts to.  There is obvious truth in that.  My thoughts today point to our necessity for a "hive."  We aren't all in a middle class house, with a traditional parents and 2 kids, still our uniqueness yearns for a shielded safety zone.

Have you ever had a day where you may just run as far away from home as possible?  I hope not many, but friend, those are the times that God opens our eyes to His safe zone.  It doesn't have to be on this earth.  It may not be for you at all.  You might go to some pretty unsafe places.  You may even live in one.

At the end of the day, when we feel they have blown it.  Or worse, we blew it... It's okay.  It's OKAY.  Jesus has to have a need to save us.  Otherwise, it could be true what they say that Christianity is mere make believe.  

It isn't make believe when a single mom gives all she has and still doesn't make it in this world.  Yet, she smiles.  She sees past this world.  Or when a friend gives all she has to a hurting family and the family continues to hurt, but she sits praying it will be in God's hands.  She trusts Him to take care of it.  Or if a little girl sees her mommy angry and says that it's okay, she will pray.  Child's faith.  Unstoppable.

Where do you run in time of trouble?  Do you have a place to go?  I know someone who loves you specially and counts your hairs purposely.  He put your bones together and gave you your beating heart.  

He didn't make one more of you because He wants you all to Himself...

He will protect you.