Friday, September 6, 2013

Loving a Sinner

It can be dangerous to paraphrase, but let me take a stab here.  There was this woman who had many sins.  There was a man that thought she was disgusting.  Jesus watched as this woman cleaned His feet with the tears of sorrow she wept.  The man remarked that Jesus should know who this was that He was letting touch Him...

Jesus replies, "therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved so much.  But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little."  Later He said to the woman, "your faith has saved you, go in peace."

I read this wondering what all she has done.  In my mind I think of her as a prostitute of some kind.  Maybe.  The truth is, it doesn't say.  It doesn't matter... She is a sinner and she knows it.  Would you call yourself a sinner?  I am up to my neck in it...

What she DID as she washed and kissed His feet is not what saved her.  It was her sorrowful heart, her changing from realization of Jesus being the ONE to take this load off of her shoulders.  He could take this hurt from inside her heart and start to use it for her good.  He could take all those sins, which He Himself said were many, and wash them away.  All by her simple act of faith.


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

                     Hoping for sunshine...

When we hope, that's made up of faith?  When our eyes cannot see something, but the evidence shows it, that's a builder of faith?

I pray today that we can learn to embrace our Jesus as the ONE who covers the sins-clean takes them away.  That we will learn in the taking away, He can be trusted with our very lives.  Our very existence. He will love us in spite of our wrongs!  He will be the one to help us walk the other way.  Go in His direction...