Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Treating Him

This post comes on the preparing side for a study about marriage.  Not just ABOUT to DO marriage.  Marriage God's way.  I will tell you, I haven't tried the other ways you can go about it, but I can honestly say my love for my husband is deeper than the day we were married.  It is more REAL.

After you do life with someone, doesn't that make it a closer relationship?  When battles of life are fought with Jesus in one hand and your spouse in the other, what a wonder it is.  This is not me simply boasting of my marriage.  This is me urging you to cherish yours.  

He doesn't even know that the hand towel was washed between when he left for work and when he arrived home.  He doesn't know about the sweat that burned my eyes while I cleaned out weeds from who knows where...

I never realized how basketball, hockey, football, NASCAR, and concerts could all go on at the same time.  He does it all at work.  I DO know about that drive in to the city; how he does it daily without grumbling, I am not sure.  I'm sure I don't even begin to understand how many phone calls he sits through when someone wants it done NOW.

Here are some tips from a soul who has lived ultimate intimacy with both my Jesus and my man.  Please take these for whatever you need them to say to you.  Maybe you don't even need this at all.  Great...someone does.  My observations don't lie, and the hurt that wells up when I see just the tip of the iceberg in a moment of haste between a husband and wife...well it's more than words can say.  

1. When they walk through that door at the end of the day, drop all in your hands to say hello.  Teach your daughters and sons.  
2.  Be IN your Bible.  This morning even, my short devotion spoke to a YELL in my heart.  Jesus met me there.  Don't miss that time.  I may not be surviving this day had I chosen not to give HIM a chance.
3.  Know your spouse's annoyances.  Know what they are and try to make life easier by avoiding them.  Hopefully, this is doable for you.
4.  Take tv time down.  I will even tell you that no tv in the bedroom will do wonders for intimacy and time alone.  
5.  Don't make plans without consult.  Easily understood.  He wants respect.  She wants love.  Be respectful by asking and not telling.  Be loving by being gentle not demanding.
6.  Make an effort.  This person lives with you!  Show them instead of telling all the time.
7.  Is there a problem that needs resolving?  Please PLEASE, save it for a closed door.  Everyone around you will see the way you treat your spouse.  If there is something that needs talking out, and there will be, take it to a private place where words aren't thrown about in order to save an ego or two.  
8.  Watch out for close friendships...I didn't say don't have them.  I have a few ladies I love very closely.  But, if ever you see it start to grate on your marriage, act on that.  Unfortunately, I have seen family members and friends come way too far into a marriage.  The man looses his ability to be respected when she thinks more highly of others than him.  The woman feels as low as you can go when his buddies are a higher priority than time with her.

She needs your love.  He needs your respect.  It is Biblical and it works friends!  

Why do a man and a woman function so differently?  From a Biblical standard...this study is a must for any married or soon to be married couples!

                   Love and Respect-PINK and BLUE-Dr. Emerson Eggerichs